Sunday, May 18, 2014

Project Update (September 2013 to March 2014)

Results from the first short season of growing are starting to trickle in from Ibi, where the Incubées are experimenting with agroforestry production. During this first short season, each incubée was allocated 2.5 hectares on which to plant the acacia and cassava intercropping along with a shorter-term crop. Most of them chose to grow niebe beans, soybeans, peanuts, or a combination of different crops.

Bobette and her first niebe harvest

As a reminder, this first short season is only the beginning of the acacia tree’s 6-year growth period. During this time, the cassava harvest will also be possible after 18 months. For these first few months, the incubées were able to reap benefits averaging $220.50 US, a promising start. Benefits varied between a profit of $1,187 and a loss of $564. Of the 20 incubées, 8 of them made benefits over $200, while 5 had losses between $20 and $564. A major part of the losses is attributed to the choice of variety of niebe beans that yielded almost nothing. Most of the incubées’ income however is expected to come from cassava, which should be harvested in June. 

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